Well Elaina's been playing around in Photoshop and Smilebox.... gotta say, I'm diggin the new layout and the special goodies she's created. Right on, wife!
Today Chelsea stayed up way too much and didn't really nap more than a total of about 2 hours since getting up at 5am... so she's been cranky all night. We gave her a bath and she started to relax, then we finally got her to sleep about 9:30. Now Elaina is asleep as well so I'm just kicking back with a tasty banana nut muffin (thanks Mom!) and watching some cartoons. Hopefully she'll get some good sleeping in tonight because I'm off tomorrow all day and would rather get to have some fun with happy Chelsea than hang out with Super-Ultra-Mega-Crabby-Chelsea.
My parents watched Chelsea so Elaina and I could go see Star Trek today, by the way, and it happens to be AWESOME. I enjoyed it quite a bit and really look forward to seeing how it continues... alternate timeline, new stories with familiar characters, cool stuff, nerd nerd nerd, etc.
hooo boy... ok, gotta wrap this up, this muffin ain't gonna eat itself, you know.