Our little girl will be 7 months next week! She's growing so fast and we've been told that she's ahead on her development! So far, she can roll over both ways, sit without support, rock back and forth on her hands and knees (which means she will be crawling very soon!) and says "Dada" !!! .. but no "Mama" yet :( She grabs anything she can get her hands on! She loves to smile, but it takes a little more work to get a big laugh out of her. I've found that quacking at her is about the only thing that will make her laugh right now. She's a tough audience.
We found out a few weeks ago that Chelsea has Torticollis. Her head tilts to the right, so we have to do exercises with her twice a day to get the neck muscle to loosen up. She has her second appointment with the physical therapist on Monday. Hopefully, this will be something that can be corrected quickly. I absolutely hate doing the exercises.
Here's a few pics I took today. She loves banging on her drum!