Monday, January 5, 2009

Move baby!

So I had my 34 week check up this morning... and little Chelsea is still breech. The doctor told me an excercise I can do to try and get her to move down, but she's been in this position for at least 5 weeks now and I don't think she's going to budge. If she hasn't moved by my next appointment (in 2 weeks), we will have to schedule a C-Section. Which also means that Chelsea will be here before my due date! I really don't want to have a C-Section, but on the other hand, I really don't want to go through labor.


Freedom35 said...
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Freedom35 said...

Wow, I think Josh just has to find the right kind of music that makes her start dancing, and she'll groove her way into the right position. Or at least that's how things work in Dan world.

Seriously though I'm hoping really hard that everything works out and you can skip the whole cutting, and get all epiduraled up and pop her on out. Either way I'm sure things will be fine.

So excited for you,

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