Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Really? C'MON!!!

Poor Chelsea is sick yet again. I had to leave work to pick her up from daycare. She's running a fever and is incredibly cranky. The pediatrician checked her ears, lungs and ran a test for UTI. Everything checked out ok, no infections. It's most likely a virus. All we can do is give her Tylenol and keep her hydrated. She has to be fever free for 24 hours before I can take her back to daycare, so I will be taking off work tomorrow. Poor Chelsea has had it rough for the past 3 months. She's such a good baby and deserves to be WELL!

Friday, June 26, 2009


We received the prints of Chelsea's photo shoot today...... BEAUTIFUL!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy first Father's Day!

Click to play this Smilebox greeting: Daddy's girl
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Saturday, June 20, 2009


Our little girl is getting so big! I can't believe she was ever THAT tiny. I was going through all of her old clothes and I came across this tiny preemie onsie. It looks even SMALLER in person. The other onsie is what she is wearing now, which is a 3-6 month. She has tons of clothes that don't fit her anymore, but I will not get rid of them! Well.. not right now anyway. I can't imagine what our storage would look like if I didn't get rid of any of her clothes.

Joshua bought these cute little sandals awhile ago. They finally fit her!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

a few pics

Chelsea's first taste of rice cereal.. mmmm!

Cute new bow!

She loves her dragonfly!

Havin' fun in the exersaucer!
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